cdp.client.api package


cdp.client.api.addresses_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.addresses_api.AddressesApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_address(wallet_id, create_address_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new address

Create a new address scoped to the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the address in. (required)

  • create_address_request (CreateAddressRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_address_with_http_info(wallet_id, create_address_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new address

Create a new address scoped to the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the address in. (required)

  • create_address_request (CreateAddressRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_address_without_preload_content(wallet_id, create_address_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new address

Create a new address scoped to the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the address in. (required)

  • create_address_request (CreateAddressRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_payload_signature(wallet_id, address_id, create_payload_signature_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new payload signature.

Create a new payload signature with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to sign the payload with. (required)

  • create_payload_signature_request (CreatePayloadSignatureRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_payload_signature_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_payload_signature_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new payload signature.

Create a new payload signature with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to sign the payload with. (required)

  • create_payload_signature_request (CreatePayloadSignatureRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_payload_signature_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_payload_signature_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new payload signature.

Create a new payload signature with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to sign the payload with. (required)

  • create_payload_signature_request (CreatePayloadSignatureRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address(wallet_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address by onchain address

Get address

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_balance(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance for asset

Get address balance

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_balance_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance for asset

Get address balance

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_balance_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance for asset

Get address balance

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address by onchain address

Get address

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address by onchain address

Get address

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_payload_signature(wallet_id, address_id, payload_signature_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get payload signature.

Get payload signature.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that signed the payload. (required)

  • payload_signature_id (str) – The ID of the payload signature to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_payload_signature_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, payload_signature_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get payload signature.

Get payload signature.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that signed the payload. (required)

  • payload_signature_id (str) – The ID of the payload signature to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_payload_signature_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, payload_signature_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get payload signature.

Get payload signature.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that signed the payload. (required)

  • payload_signature_id (str) – The ID of the payload signature to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_balances(wallet_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get all balances for address

Get address balances

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_balances_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get all balances for address

Get address balances

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_balances_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get all balances for address

Get address balances

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_addresses(wallet_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List addresses in a wallet.

List addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet whose addresses to fetch (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_addresses_with_http_info(wallet_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List addresses in a wallet.

List addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet whose addresses to fetch (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_addresses_without_preload_content(wallet_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List addresses in a wallet.

List addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet whose addresses to fetch (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_payload_signatures(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List payload signatures for an address.

List payload signatures for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address whose payload signatures to fetch. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_payload_signatures_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List payload signatures for an address.

List payload signatures for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address whose payload signatures to fetch. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_payload_signatures_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List payload signatures for an address.

List payload signatures for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address whose payload signatures to fetch. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_faucet_funds(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) Request faucet funds for onchain address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to onchain address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_faucet_funds_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) Request faucet funds for onchain address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to onchain address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_faucet_funds_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, asset_id=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) Request faucet funds for onchain address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to onchain address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.assets_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.assets_api.AssetsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_asset(network_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch. This could be a symbol or an ERC20 contract address. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_asset_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch. This could be a symbol or an ERC20 contract address. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_asset_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

Get the asset for the specified asset ID.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch. This could be a symbol or an ERC20 contract address. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.balance_history_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.balance_history_api.BalanceHistoryApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

list_address_historical_balance(network_id, address_id, asset_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance history for asset

List the historical balance of an asset in a specific address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_historical_balance_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, asset_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance history for asset

List the historical balance of an asset in a specific address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_historical_balance_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, asset_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get address balance history for asset

List the historical balance of an asset in a specific address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the historical balance for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.contract_events_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.contract_events_api.ContractEventsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

list_contract_events(network_id, protocol_name, contract_address, contract_name, event_name, from_block_height, to_block_height, next_page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract events

Retrieve events for a specific contract

  • network_id (str) – Unique identifier for the blockchain network (required)

  • protocol_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the blockchain protocol (required)

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • contract_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the specific contract within the project (required)

  • event_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the event to filter for in the contract’s logs (required)

  • from_block_height (int) – Lower bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • to_block_height (int) – Upper bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • next_page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_contract_events_with_http_info(network_id, protocol_name, contract_address, contract_name, event_name, from_block_height, to_block_height, next_page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract events

Retrieve events for a specific contract

  • network_id (str) – Unique identifier for the blockchain network (required)

  • protocol_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the blockchain protocol (required)

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • contract_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the specific contract within the project (required)

  • event_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the event to filter for in the contract’s logs (required)

  • from_block_height (int) – Lower bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • to_block_height (int) – Upper bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • next_page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_contract_events_without_preload_content(network_id, protocol_name, contract_address, contract_name, event_name, from_block_height, to_block_height, next_page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract events

Retrieve events for a specific contract

  • network_id (str) – Unique identifier for the blockchain network (required)

  • protocol_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the blockchain protocol (required)

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • contract_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the specific contract within the project (required)

  • event_name (str) – Case-sensitive name of the event to filter for in the contract’s logs (required)

  • from_block_height (int) – Lower bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • to_block_height (int) – Upper bound of the block range to query (inclusive) (required)

  • next_page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.contract_invocations_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.contract_invocations_api.ContractInvocationsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

broadcast_contract_invocation(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, broadcast_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a contract invocation.

Broadcast a contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_contract_invocation_request (BroadcastContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_contract_invocation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, broadcast_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a contract invocation.

Broadcast a contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_contract_invocation_request (BroadcastContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_contract_invocation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, broadcast_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a contract invocation.

Broadcast a contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_contract_invocation_request (BroadcastContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_contract_invocation(wallet_id, address_id, create_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new contract invocation for an address.

Create a new contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to invoke the contract from. (required)

  • create_contract_invocation_request (CreateContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_contract_invocation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new contract invocation for an address.

Create a new contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to invoke the contract from. (required)

  • create_contract_invocation_request (CreateContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_contract_invocation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_contract_invocation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new contract invocation for an address.

Create a new contract invocation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to invoke the contract from. (required)

  • create_contract_invocation_request (CreateContractInvocationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_contract_invocation(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a contract invocation by ID.

Get a contract invocation by ID.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_contract_invocation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a contract invocation by ID.

Get a contract invocation by ID.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_contract_invocation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, contract_invocation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a contract invocation by ID.

Get a contract invocation by ID.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the contract invocation belongs to. (required)

  • contract_invocation_id (str) – The ID of the contract invocation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_contract_invocations(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract invocations for an address.

List contract invocations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list contract invocations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_contract_invocations_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract invocations for an address.

List contract invocations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list contract invocations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_contract_invocations_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List contract invocations for an address.

List contract invocations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list contract invocations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.external_addresses_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.external_addresses_api.ExternalAddressesApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_external_address_balance(network_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_external_address_balance_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_external_address_balance_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

Get the balance of an asset in an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_faucet_transaction(network_id, address_id, tx_hash, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the status of a faucet transaction

Get the status of a faucet transaction

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the faucet transaction for (required)

  • tx_hash (str) – The hash of the faucet transaction (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_faucet_transaction_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, tx_hash, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the status of a faucet transaction

Get the status of a faucet transaction

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the faucet transaction for (required)

  • tx_hash (str) – The hash of the faucet transaction (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_faucet_transaction_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, tx_hash, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the status of a faucet transaction

Get the status of a faucet transaction

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the faucet transaction for (required)

  • tx_hash (str) – The hash of the faucet transaction (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_external_address_balances(network_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balances of an external address

List all of the balances of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_external_address_balances_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balances of an external address

List all of the balances of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_external_address_balances_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balances of an external address

List all of the balances of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the balance for (required)

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_external_faucet_funds(network_id, address_id, asset_id=None, skip_wait=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Request faucet funds for external address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to external address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • skip_wait (bool) – Whether to skip waiting for the transaction to be mined. This will become the default behavior in the future.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_external_faucet_funds_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, asset_id=None, skip_wait=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Request faucet funds for external address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to external address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • skip_wait (bool) – Whether to skip waiting for the transaction to be mined. This will become the default behavior in the future.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

request_external_faucet_funds_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, asset_id=None, skip_wait=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Request faucet funds for external address.

Request faucet funds to be sent to external address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that is being fetched. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset to transfer from the faucet.

  • skip_wait (bool) – Whether to skip waiting for the transaction to be mined. This will become the default behavior in the future.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.fund_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.fund_api.FundApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_fund_operation(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new fund operation.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_operation_request (CreateFundOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_fund_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new fund operation.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_operation_request (CreateFundOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_fund_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new fund operation.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_operation_request (CreateFundOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_fund_quote(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_quote_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a Fund Operation quote.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_quote_request (CreateFundQuoteRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_fund_quote_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_quote_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a Fund Operation quote.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_quote_request (CreateFundQuoteRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_fund_quote_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_fund_quote_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a Fund Operation quote.

Create a new fund operation with an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address to be funded. (required)

  • create_fund_quote_request (CreateFundQuoteRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_fund_operation(wallet_id, address_id, fund_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get fund operation.

Get fund operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that created the fund operation. (required)

  • fund_operation_id (str) – The ID of the fund operation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_fund_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, fund_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get fund operation.

Get fund operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that created the fund operation. (required)

  • fund_operation_id (str) – The ID of the fund operation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_fund_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, fund_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get fund operation.

Get fund operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address that created the fund operation. (required)

  • fund_operation_id (str) – The ID of the fund operation to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_fund_operations(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List fund operations for an address.

List fund operations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to list fund operations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_fund_operations_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List fund operations for an address.

List fund operations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to list fund operations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_fund_operations_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List fund operations for an address.

List fund operations for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address of the address to list fund operations for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.mpc_wallet_stake_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.mpc_wallet_stake_api.MPCWalletStakeApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

broadcast_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.networks_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.networks_api.NetworksApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_network(network_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get network by ID

Get network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_network_with_http_info(network_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get network by ID

Get network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_network_without_preload_content(network_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get network by ID

Get network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.onchain_identity_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.onchain_identity_api.OnchainIdentityApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

resolve_identity_by_address(network_id, address_id, roles=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the identity for (required)

  • roles (List[str]) – A filter by role of the names related to this address (managed or owned)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

resolve_identity_by_address_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, roles=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the identity for (required)

  • roles (List[str]) – A filter by role of the names related to this address (managed or owned)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

resolve_identity_by_address_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, roles=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

Obtains onchain identity for an address on a specific network

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the identity for (required)

  • roles (List[str]) – A filter by role of the names related to this address (managed or owned)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.reputation_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.reputation_api.ReputationApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_address_reputation(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the reputation for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_reputation_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the reputation for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_reputation_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

Get the onchain reputation of an external address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the reputation for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_risk(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the risk of an address

Get the risk of an address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the risk for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_risk_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the risk of an address

Get the risk of an address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the risk for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_address_risk_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the risk of an address

Get the risk of an address

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the risk for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.server_signers_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.server_signers_api.ServerSignersApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_server_signer(create_server_signer_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new Server-Signer

Create a new Server-Signer

  • create_server_signer_request (CreateServerSignerRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_server_signer_with_http_info(create_server_signer_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new Server-Signer

Create a new Server-Signer

  • create_server_signer_request (CreateServerSignerRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_server_signer_without_preload_content(create_server_signer_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new Server-Signer

Create a new Server-Signer

  • create_server_signer_request (CreateServerSignerRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_server_signer(server_signer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a server signer by ID

Get a server signer by ID

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_server_signer_with_http_info(server_signer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a server signer by ID

Get a server signer by ID

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_server_signer_without_preload_content(server_signer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a server signer by ID

Get a server signer by ID

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signer_events(server_signer_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) List events for a server signer

List events for a server signer

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch events for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signer_events_with_http_info(server_signer_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) List events for a server signer

List events for a server signer

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch events for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signer_events_without_preload_content(server_signer_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

(Deprecated) List events for a server signer

List events for a server signer

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to fetch events for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signers(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List server signers for the current project

List server signers for the current project

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signers_with_http_info(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List server signers for the current project

List server signers for the current project

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_server_signers_without_preload_content(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List server signers for the current project

List server signers for the current project

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_seed_event_result(server_signer_id, seed_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • seed_creation_event_result (SeedCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_seed_event_result_with_http_info(server_signer_id, seed_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • seed_creation_event_result (SeedCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_seed_event_result_without_preload_content(server_signer_id, seed_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • seed_creation_event_result (SeedCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_signature_event_result(server_signer_id, signature_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • signature_creation_event_result (SignatureCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_signature_event_result_with_http_info(server_signer_id, signature_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • signature_creation_event_result (SignatureCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

submit_server_signer_signature_event_result_without_preload_content(server_signer_id, signature_creation_event_result=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Submit the result of a server signer event

Submit the result of a server signer event

  • server_signer_id (str) – The ID of the server signer to submit the event result for (required)

  • signature_creation_event_result (SignatureCreationEventResult)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.smart_contracts_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.smart_contracts_api.SmartContractsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_smart_contract(wallet_id, address_id, create_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new smart contract

Create a new smart contract

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to deploy the smart contract from. (required)

  • create_smart_contract_request (CreateSmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_smart_contract_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new smart contract

Create a new smart contract

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to deploy the smart contract from. (required)

  • create_smart_contract_request (CreateSmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_smart_contract_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new smart contract

Create a new smart contract

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to deploy the smart contract from. (required)

  • create_smart_contract_request (CreateSmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

deploy_smart_contract(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, deploy_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Deploy a smart contract

Deploys a smart contract, by broadcasting the transaction to the network.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to broadcast the transaction from. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to broadcast the transaction to. (required)

  • deploy_smart_contract_request (DeploySmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

deploy_smart_contract_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, deploy_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Deploy a smart contract

Deploys a smart contract, by broadcasting the transaction to the network.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to broadcast the transaction from. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to broadcast the transaction to. (required)

  • deploy_smart_contract_request (DeploySmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

deploy_smart_contract_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, deploy_smart_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Deploy a smart contract

Deploys a smart contract, by broadcasting the transaction to the network.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to broadcast the transaction from. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to broadcast the transaction to. (required)

  • deploy_smart_contract_request (DeploySmartContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_smart_contract(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the smart contract for. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_smart_contract_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the smart contract for. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_smart_contract_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, smart_contract_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address

Get a specific smart contract deployed by address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the smart contract for. (required)

  • smart_contract_id (str) – The UUID of the smart contract to fetch. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_smart_contracts(page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List smart contracts

List smart contracts

  • page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_smart_contracts_with_http_info(page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List smart contracts

List smart contracts

  • page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_smart_contracts_without_preload_content(page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List smart contracts

List smart contracts

  • page (str) – Pagination token for retrieving the next set of results

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

read_contract(network_id, contract_address, read_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Read data from a smart contract

Perform a read operation on a smart contract without creating a transaction

  • network_id (str) – (required)

  • contract_address (str) – (required)

  • read_contract_request (ReadContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

read_contract_with_http_info(network_id, contract_address, read_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Read data from a smart contract

Perform a read operation on a smart contract without creating a transaction

  • network_id (str) – (required)

  • contract_address (str) – (required)

  • read_contract_request (ReadContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

read_contract_without_preload_content(network_id, contract_address, read_contract_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Read data from a smart contract

Perform a read operation on a smart contract without creating a transaction

  • network_id (str) – (required)

  • contract_address (str) – (required)

  • read_contract_request (ReadContractRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

register_smart_contract(contract_address, network_id, abi, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Register a smart contract

Register a smart contract

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • abi (ABI) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

register_smart_contract_with_http_info(contract_address, network_id, abi, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Register a smart contract

Register a smart contract

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • abi (ABI) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

register_smart_contract_without_preload_content(contract_address, network_id, abi, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Register a smart contract

Register a smart contract

  • contract_address (str) – EVM address of the smart contract (42 characters, including ‘0x’, in lowercase) (required)

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network to fetch. (required)

  • abi (ABI) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.stake_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.stake_api.StakeApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

build_staking_operation(build_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Build a new staking operation

Build a new staking operation

  • build_staking_operation_request (BuildStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

build_staking_operation_with_http_info(build_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Build a new staking operation

Build a new staking operation

  • build_staking_operation_request (BuildStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

build_staking_operation_without_preload_content(build_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Build a new staking operation

Build a new staking operation

  • build_staking_operation_request (BuildStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_historical_staking_balances(network_id, asset_id, address_id, start_time, end_time, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch historical staking balances

Fetch historical staking balances for given address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_historical_staking_balances_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, address_id, start_time, end_time, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch historical staking balances

Fetch historical staking balances for given address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_historical_staking_balances_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, address_id, start_time, end_time, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch historical staking balances

Fetch historical staking balances for given address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The ID of the asset for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The onchain address for which the historical staking balances are being fetched. (required)

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time of this historical staking balance period. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_staking_rewards(fetch_staking_rewards_request, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch staking rewards

Fetch staking rewards for a list of addresses

  • fetch_staking_rewards_request (FetchStakingRewardsRequest) – (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_staking_rewards_with_http_info(fetch_staking_rewards_request, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch staking rewards

Fetch staking rewards for a list of addresses

  • fetch_staking_rewards_request (FetchStakingRewardsRequest) – (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

fetch_staking_rewards_without_preload_content(fetch_staking_rewards_request, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Fetch staking rewards

Fetch staking rewards for a list of addresses

  • fetch_staking_rewards_request (FetchStakingRewardsRequest) – (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_external_staking_operation(network_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_external_staking_operation_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_external_staking_operation_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_context(get_staking_context_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get staking context

Get staking context for an address

  • get_staking_context_request (GetStakingContextRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_context_with_http_info(get_staking_context_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get staking context

Get staking context for an address

  • get_staking_context_request (GetStakingContextRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_context_without_preload_content(get_staking_context_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get staking context

Get staking context for an address

  • get_staking_context_request (GetStakingContextRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_validator(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_validator_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_validator_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.trades_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.trades_api.TradesApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

broadcast_trade(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, broadcast_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a trade

Broadcast a trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_trade_request (BroadcastTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_trade_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, broadcast_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a trade

Broadcast a trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_trade_request (BroadcastTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_trade_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, broadcast_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a trade

Broadcast a trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_trade_request (BroadcastTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_trade(wallet_id, address_id, create_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new trade for an address

Create a new trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to conduct the trade from (required)

  • create_trade_request (CreateTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_trade_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new trade for an address

Create a new trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to conduct the trade from (required)

  • create_trade_request (CreateTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_trade_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_trade_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new trade for an address

Create a new trade

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to conduct the trade from (required)

  • create_trade_request (CreateTradeRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_trade(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a trade by ID

Get a trade by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_trade_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a trade by ID

Get a trade by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_trade_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, trade_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a trade by ID

Get a trade by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the trade belongs to (required)

  • trade_id (str) – The ID of the trade to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_trades(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List trades for an address.

List trades for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list trades for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_trades_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List trades for an address.

List trades for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list trades for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_trades_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List trades for an address.

List trades for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list trades for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.transaction_history_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.transaction_history_api.TransactionHistoryApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

list_address_transactions(network_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transactions for an address.

List all transactions that interact with the address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the transactions for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_transactions_with_http_info(network_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transactions for an address.

List all transactions that interact with the address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the transactions for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_address_transactions_without_preload_content(network_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transactions for an address.

List all transactions that interact with the address.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the transactions for. (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.transfers_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.transfers_api.TransfersApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

broadcast_transfer(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, broadcast_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a transfer

Broadcast a transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_transfer_request (BroadcastTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_transfer_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, broadcast_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a transfer

Broadcast a transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_transfer_request (BroadcastTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_transfer_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, broadcast_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a transfer

Broadcast a transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to broadcast (required)

  • broadcast_transfer_request (BroadcastTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_transfer(wallet_id, address_id, create_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new transfer for an address

Create a new transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to transfer from (required)

  • create_transfer_request (CreateTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_transfer_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new transfer for an address

Create a new transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to transfer from (required)

  • create_transfer_request (CreateTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_transfer_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_transfer_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new transfer for an address

Create a new transfer

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the source address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to transfer from (required)

  • create_transfer_request (CreateTransferRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_transfer(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a transfer by ID

Get a transfer by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_transfer_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a transfer by ID

Get a transfer by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_transfer_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, transfer_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a transfer by ID

Get a transfer by ID

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the transfer belongs to (required)

  • transfer_id (str) – The ID of the transfer to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_transfers(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transfers for an address.

List transfers for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list transfers for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_transfers_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transfers for an address.

List transfers for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list transfers for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_transfers_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List transfers for an address.

List transfers for an address.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to list transfers for (required)

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.users_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.users_api.UsersApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_current_user(_request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get current user

Get current user

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_current_user_with_http_info(_request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get current user

Get current user

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_current_user_without_preload_content(_request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get current user

Get current user

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.validators_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.validators_api.ValidatorsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

get_validator(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_validator_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_validator_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, validator_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get a validator belonging to the CDP project

Get a validator belonging to the user for a given network, asset and id.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validator for. (required)

  • validator_id (str) – The unique id of the validator to fetch details for. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators_with_http_info(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_validators_without_preload_content(network_id, asset_id, status=None, limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List validators belonging to the CDP project

List validators belonging to the user for a given network and asset.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the blockchain network. (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to get the validators for. (required)

  • status (ValidatorStatus) – A filter to list validators based on a status.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 50.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.wallet_stake_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.wallet_stake_api.WalletStakeApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

broadcast_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

broadcast_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, broadcast_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Broadcast a staking operation

Broadcast a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address the staking operation belongs to. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation to broadcast. (required)

  • broadcast_staking_operation_request (BroadcastStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, create_staking_operation_request, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new staking operation for an address

Create a new staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to. (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to create the staking operation for. (required)

  • create_staking_operation_request (CreateStakingOperationRequest) – (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation_with_http_info(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_staking_operation_without_preload_content(wallet_id, address_id, staking_operation_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the latest state of a staking operation

Get the latest state of a staking operation.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet the address belongs to (required)

  • address_id (str) – The ID of the address to fetch the staking operation for. (required)

  • staking_operation_id (str) – The ID of the staking operation. (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.wallets_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.wallets_api.WalletsApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_wallet(create_wallet_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new wallet

Create a new wallet scoped to the user.

  • create_wallet_request (CreateWalletRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_wallet_with_http_info(create_wallet_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new wallet

Create a new wallet scoped to the user.

  • create_wallet_request (CreateWalletRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_wallet_without_preload_content(create_wallet_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new wallet

Create a new wallet scoped to the user.

  • create_wallet_request (CreateWalletRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get wallet by ID

Get wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet_balance(wallet_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in the wallet

Get the aggregated balance of an asset across all of the addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet_balance_with_http_info(wallet_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in the wallet

Get the aggregated balance of an asset across all of the addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet_balance_without_preload_content(wallet_id, asset_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get the balance of an asset in the wallet

Get the aggregated balance of an asset across all of the addresses in the wallet.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balance for (required)

  • asset_id (str) – The symbol of the asset to fetch the balance for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet_with_http_info(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get wallet by ID

Get wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

get_wallet_without_preload_content(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Get wallet by ID

Get wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallet_balances(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallet balances

List the balances of all of the addresses in the wallet aggregated by asset.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallet_balances_with_http_info(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallet balances

List the balances of all of the addresses in the wallet aggregated by asset.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallet_balances_without_preload_content(wallet_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallet balances

List the balances of all of the addresses in the wallet aggregated by asset.

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to fetch the balances for (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallets(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallets

List wallets belonging to the user.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallets_with_http_info(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallets

List wallets belonging to the user.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_wallets_without_preload_content(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List wallets

List wallets belonging to the user.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

cdp.client.api.webhooks_api module

Coinbase Platform API

This is the OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the Coinbase Platform APIs, used in conjunction with the Coinbase Platform SDKs.

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1-alpha Generated by OpenAPI Generator (

Do not edit the class manually.

class cdp.client.api.webhooks_api.WebhooksApi(api_client=None)

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref:

Do not edit the class manually.

create_wallet_webhook(wallet_id, create_wallet_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the webhook for. (required)

  • create_wallet_webhook_request (CreateWalletWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_wallet_webhook_with_http_info(wallet_id, create_wallet_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the webhook for. (required)

  • create_wallet_webhook_request (CreateWalletWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_wallet_webhook_without_preload_content(wallet_id, create_wallet_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

Create a new webhook scoped to a wallet

  • wallet_id (str) – The ID of the wallet to create the webhook for. (required)

  • create_wallet_webhook_request (CreateWalletWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_webhook(create_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook

Create a new webhook

  • create_webhook_request (CreateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_webhook_with_http_info(create_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook

Create a new webhook

  • create_webhook_request (CreateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

create_webhook_without_preload_content(create_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Create a new webhook

Create a new webhook

  • create_webhook_request (CreateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

delete_webhook(webhook_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Delete a webhook

Delete a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook uuid that needs to be deleted (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

delete_webhook_with_http_info(webhook_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Delete a webhook

Delete a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook uuid that needs to be deleted (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

delete_webhook_without_preload_content(webhook_id, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Delete a webhook

Delete a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook uuid that needs to be deleted (required)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_webhooks(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List webhooks

List webhooks, optionally filtered by event type.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_webhooks_with_http_info(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List webhooks

List webhooks, optionally filtered by event type.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

list_webhooks_without_preload_content(limit=None, page=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

List webhooks

List webhooks, optionally filtered by event type.

  • limit (int) – A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.

  • page (str) – A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

update_webhook(webhook_id, update_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Update a webhook

Update a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook id that needs to be updated (required)

  • update_webhook_request (UpdateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

update_webhook_with_http_info(webhook_id, update_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Update a webhook

Update a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook id that needs to be updated (required)

  • update_webhook_request (UpdateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

update_webhook_without_preload_content(webhook_id, update_webhook_request=None, _request_timeout=None, _request_auth=None, _content_type=None, _headers=None, _host_index=0)

Update a webhook

Update a webhook

  • webhook_id (str) – The Webhook id that needs to be updated (required)

  • update_webhook_request (UpdateWebhookRequest)

  • _request_timeout (int, tuple(int, int), optional) – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.

  • _request_auth (dict, optional) – set to override the auth_settings for an a single request; this effectively ignores the authentication in the spec for a single request.

  • _content_type (str, Optional) – force content-type for the request.

  • _headers (dict, optional) – set to override the headers for a single request; this effectively ignores the headers in the spec for a single request.

  • _host_index (int, optional) – set to override the host_index for a single request; this effectively ignores the host_index in the spec for a single request.

Return type:



Returns the result object.

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