Source code for coinbase.jwt_generator

import secrets
import time

import jwt
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

from coinbase.constants import BASE_URL

def build_jwt(key_var, secret_var, uri=None) -> str:
    :meta private:
        private_key_bytes = secret_var.encode("utf-8")
        private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
            private_key_bytes, password=None
    except ValueError as e:
        # This handles errors like incorrect key format
        raise Exception(
            "Are you sure you generated your key at ?"

    jwt_data = {
        "sub": key_var,
        "iss": "cdp",
        "nbf": int(time.time()),
        "exp": int(time.time()) + 120,

    if uri:
        jwt_data["uri"] = uri

    jwt_token = jwt.encode(
        headers={"kid": key_var, "nonce": secrets.token_hex()},

    return jwt_token

[docs] def build_rest_jwt(uri, key_var, secret_var) -> str: """ **Build REST JWT** __________ **Description:** Builds and returns a JWT token for connecting to the REST API. __________ Parameters: - **uri (str)** - Formatted URI for the endpoint (e.g. "GET") Can be generated using ``format_jwt_uri`` - **key_var (str)** - The API key - **secret_var (str)** - The API key secret """ return build_jwt(key_var, secret_var, uri=uri)
[docs] def build_ws_jwt(key_var, secret_var) -> str: """ **Build WebSocket JWT** __________ **Description:** Builds and returns a JWT token for connecting to the WebSocket API. __________ Parameters: - **key_var (str)** - The API key - **secret_var (str)** - The API key secret """ return build_jwt(key_var, secret_var)
[docs] def format_jwt_uri(method, path) -> str: """ **Format JWT URI** __________ **Description:** Formats method and path into valid URI for JWT generation. __________ Parameters: - **method (str)** - The REST request method. E.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE - **path (str)** - The path of the endpoint. E.g. "/api/v3/brokerage/accounts" """ return f"{method} {BASE_URL}{path}"