Connecting to a data feed source


In the CBPTT, all feed data is consolidated and standardized and streamed as a set of Messages. Regardless of whether the underlying exchange offers a Websocket feed, REST API, or both, the data is collected and reformulated into a consistent data set and behaviour.

In this chapter we’re simply going to connect to the Coinbase Pro data feed and tally up the types of messages that are received.

CBPTT Messages

All messages passed from one component to another in the CBPTT are derived from StreamMessage. It is defined as

export interface StreamMessage {
    type: string,
    time: Date,

LiveOrderbook messages

There are several message types derived from this, including OrderbookMessage which is the base class for messages that represent realtime data:

export interface OrderbookMessage extends StreamMessage {
    sequence: number;
    sourceSequence?: number;
    productId: string;
    side: string;

Then there messages that are used for maintaining a live orderbook state. There are two broad classes of order messages depending on whether we’re dealing with fine-grained (Level 3, or order-level) messaging or aggregated, or level 2-based messages. Where possible, the CBPTT will use level 2 messages for live orderbooks, but level 3 messages are also supported for exchanges that don’t offer the former.

export interface BaseOrderMessage extends OrderbookMessage {
    orderId: string;
    price: string;

export interface LevelMessage extends OrderbookMessage {
    price: string;
    size: string;
    count: number;

Notice that the BaseOrderMessage carries an orderId, while the LevelMessage does not. Each message has several sub-types representing new orders, cancelled orders, and trades. See the reference documentation for specifics.

Diving In

The data feed is the starting point for nearly everything you will do in the CBPTT. Once a handle to a feed stream is obtained, you can treat it as you would any other node.js stream, including pipe it to other streams, attach and listeners to it.

In this section we’ll show you how easy it is to connect to a feed source and process the messages it emits.

The basics

Most CBPTT components take a logger object in their configuration, so let’s create a default logger that writes to the console. There’s a convenience ConsoleLoggerFactory method that will create one for you, so let’s use that:

import * as CBPTT from 'coinbase-pro-trading-toolkit';

const logger = CBPTT.utils.ConsoleLoggerFactory();

The easiest way to grab hold of a feed stream is to use the utility factory function FeedFactory. There will be one of these functions for each exchange supported on the CBPTT.

For Coinbase Pro feeds, all we need is a logger instance and an array of products to subscribe to. Under the hood, a connection to the REST API and Websocket feeds will be made and the data will be coerced into CBPTT messages.

FeedFactory returns a Promise, so we must wait for it to be resolved before we can start working with data.

The CBPTT convention is that once a product has been subscribed to, the first message received is a SnapshotMessage giving the current state of the order book. Subsequent messages reflect changes to the orderbook.

Other messages that you might expect include TickerMessage and TradeMessage.

If you supply authentication credentials to the feed factory, you might also receive MyOrderPlacedMessage emitted when my order has been placed, TradeExecutedMessage, emitted when one of my orders is matched, TradeFinalizedMessage, for when my order is completely filled, or cancelled.

const products: string[] = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD', 'LTC-USD'];
CBPTT.Factories.CoinbasePro.FeedFactory(logger, products).then((feed: CoinbaseProFeed) => {
    // Do stuff with the feed

Doing something (not so) useful

Let’s do something with the data. How about we tally up each message, sorting by type, and separating by product, and then periodically print the tallies?

This is pretty straightforward. After setting up the tally variables, we subscribe to the data event on the feed (it’s just a standard node.js stream and EventEmitter) and process the messages as they arrive.

Node streams emit objects of type any, but we know these are CBPTT messages, so we will typecast messages as an OrderbookMessage which carries a productId field. Most messages will be, but we check for the presence of that field first and log it as an ‘other’ message if not.

const logger = CBPTT.utils.ConsoleLoggerFactory();
const products: string[] = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD', 'LTC-USD'];
const tallies: any = {};
products.forEach((product: string) => {
    tallies[product] = {};

let count = 0;

CBPTT.Factories.CoinbasePro.FeedFactory(logger, products).then((feed: CoinbaseProFeed) => {
    feed.on('data', (msg: OrderbookMessage) => {
        if (!(msg as any).productId) {
            tallies.other += 1;
        } else {
            const tally = tallies[msg.productId];
            if (!tally[msg.type]) {
                tally[msg.type] = 0;
            tally[msg.type] += 1;
        if (count % 1000 === 0) {
}).catch((err: Error) => {
    logger.log('error', err.message);

The printTallies function is just a bit of string-fu:

function printTallies() {
    console.log(`${count} messages received`);
    for (let p in tallies) {
        let types: string[] = Object.keys(tallies[p]).sort();
        let tally: string = => `${t}: ${tallies[p][t]}`).join('\t');
        console.log(`${p}: ${tally}`);

Run the script

If you’ve skipped ahead, or want to see the finished product, the full script resides at /tutorials/t001_feeds.ts. Execute it with

$ ts-node tutorials/t001_feeds.ts

Typical output for the script will look like:

2017-08-02T14:31:58.648Z - info: Creating new Coinbase Pro Websocket connection to wss://
2017-08-02T14:32:00.203Z - debug: Connection to wss://  has been established.
1000 messages received
BTC-USD: newOrder: 111  orderDone: 112  snapshot: 1     trade: 1        unknown: 111
ETH-USD: newOrder: 168  orderDone: 174  snapshot: 1     trade: 7        unknown: 168
LTC-USD: newOrder: 42   orderDone: 56   snapshot: 1     trade: 3        unknown: 44
2000 messages received
BTC-USD: newOrder: 250  orderDone: 254  snapshot: 1     trade: 1        unknown: 250
ETH-USD: newOrder: 302  orderDone: 303  snapshot: 1     trade: 8        unknown: 303
LTC-USD: newOrder: 101  orderDone: 114  snapshot: 1     trade: 8        unknown: 103

If you’re familiar with the Coinbase Pro WS API, you’ll see that the message types have changed. done and open messages have been converted to orderDone and newOrder respectively. Other messages, such as received don’t have a use in the CBPTT and are passed on as unknown messages.

Things to try

  1. Do a similar tally using stats from Bitfinex. All you need to do is swap out the corresponding FeedFactory function. You can still use Coinbase Pro product names in the factory method call (they automatically get mapped to Bitfinex names if they are different).
  2. Dig a bit deeper and see what other data is provided in the messages.
  3. Explore the underlying getFeed and getSubscribedFeeds functions that offer greater flexibility in how the feed streams are configured.
  4. Provide your authentication details in a CoinbaseProAuthConfig object and check for additional messages in the authenticated feed if you place orders or rtades on the exchange.

See also